London’s Camelot and The Secrets Of The Grail
Currently known as Camlet Moat, in Trent Park.
Only one place actually called Camelot appears on old maps. So far it has been overlooked by those in search of this legendary location. It is hidden in woods on the outskirts of London. Archaeological digs show it had a massive drawbridge over a moat, walls five and a half feet thick and a dungeon. It also has apparitions of a Guinevere-like "White Lady" and is regarded locally as a place of visions, healing and inspiration, with some very definite and intriguing connections to the Grail Myths and Arthurian Legends. Those of you who have read Earthstars or The Visionary Landscape will know that Camelot was one of the sites which triggered the Earthstars discovery. Not only is this Camelot in London, so is a Round Table associated with it, and Arthur's Sword-in-the-stone. Was the real Camelot here in London? What is its Round table? Is its holy well haunted by a Grail Maiden ? Is Arthur's sword-in-the-stone still in London, built into a wall? If you live in London, this is a book you should read and a place you should visit. It contains more mysteries related to the Holy Grail than the Da Vinci Code.
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You can get signed copies via Amazon or direct from me. Send a cheque to Earthstars Publishing 74 The Mall, Southgate, London N14 6LP. £12. inc P&P. Or order via and pay through paypal to account.
rrrp; is £10 plus P&P on most web sites. Any queries, contact chris at
CONTENTS 1: Who called it Camelot? Origins of the name 2: The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend 3: King Arthur’s Cross 4: Digging up some Hard Evidence 5: Sir Phillip Sassoon’s excavations 6: Treasure in the Well 7: A Place of Initiation. 8: Is Camelot Moat a Sacred Site ? 9: Our Lady of Camelot Moat 10: Ley Lines, Earthstars and the Round Table 11: The Holy Grail, The Holy Spirit and The Holy Woman 12: The Mystery of The Great Pyramid 13; The Sword in the Stone 14: Does Arthur’s Stone Still Exist ? 15: Healing the Wasteland Camelot Moat: How to get there
Illustrations; 1: 1658 map showing Camelot Moat 2: Enfield in the 12th Century (map) 3: Map of Enfield Chase’s paths and tracks 4: Charles Williams’ map showing Camelot in London 5: King Arthur’s Cross 6: Sir Phillip Sassoon 7: The North side of Camelot Moat 8: The well in the north east corner 9: Statue of the Romano-Celtic God Nodens 10: The Rag Tree beside Camelot Moat’s ‘Holy’ well 11: Unusual glowing light vaguely similar to Virgin Mary apparitions at Camelot Moat 12: Light orbs bubbling out of the well 13: More light orbs, near a tree shrine 14: Flying oval light orbs 15: Virgin Mary in a pose similar to the apparitions at the moat 16: Apparition of Mary at Fatima 17: The Barnet Triangle 18: Eight-point star – one of the Earthstar patterns 19: Ten-point star 20: London’s five-point Earthstar 21: Thirty-point Earthstar diagram 22: Several of the Earthstars patterns overlaid 23: London’s Earthstar geometry fits Stonehenge perfectly 24: The Grail Hallows as the Tarot Aces 25: The Grail Maiden and the Queen of Cups 26: The Trent Park Obelisk 27: The Pineapple monument 28: The Trent Park Triangle 29: The Triangle creates a pattern identical to the Earthstar's foundational geometry 30: The Great Pyramid overlaid on Trent Park by Sir Phillip Sassoon 31: St. Paul’s Cross 32: The Site of Old Pol’s Stump 33: The King Stone at Kingston-upon-Thames 34: The Coronation Line 35: An ancent burial mound or a traffic island ? 36: The London Stone 37: The London Stone set into the wall of St. Swithins church 38: The Stone’s sad location at 111 Cannon Street
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